Tech Support
Sage's Circuits offers free remote diagnostics & troubleshooting, with inexpensive solutions offered whenever possible, for all your tech troubles.
Whether it's a malfunctioning PC or aging network, if we can't help you we won't charge you!

Professional Support
Sage's Circuits offers 24/7 tech support via phone, email, text, FB Messenger, or WhatsApp, to help solve any of your tech woes.
Professional support, 7 days a week, with free remote diagnostics.

Tech Repair
Servicing Charlotte NC and the greater area, Sage's Circuits offers tech repair on most all of your electronic devices.
Including but not limited to:
- TVs
- PCs
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Phones
- Appliances
Prices are always kept low, encompassing only the cost of replaced components plus a modest hourly labor fee.
Repair, Don't Replace
When it comes to cost, repairing a device is almost always far more cost effective than buying a new one.
Oftentimes the component in need of replacing is a fraction of the cost of the device.
With the right tools, nearly all repairs can be done efficiently and promptly. Saving you time and money.
The longest part of the repair process is often securing the necessary component(s).
Sage's Circuits has the professional skills necessary to repair nearly any electronic and technological device.
Reach out today to have your device working good as new.
We guarantee our repairs and always work hard to resolve any issues a customer may encounter
Maintaining a 5-Star rating on Google, Sage's Circuits strives to have 100% customer satisfaction on all our products and services.